Saturday, 31 July 2010

Bender Ball Obliges Obliques

You can also use your Bender Ball to give your oblique muscles a run for their money along with the rectus abdominus muscle. Carefully lie back on the Bender Ball with your feet flat on the floor. Roll back slowly until your thighs and body are parallel with the floor. Then raise your body up while contracting your abs, up to a 45 degree angle, but not more. The closer that your feet are together the less stable you will rest on the Bender Ball and the better of a workout you will give those internal and external oblique muscles.

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Bicycling the Bender Ball Way

The beauty of the Bender Ball is that you give your abs a great workout without the need to strain your back, while at the same time using the abdominal muscles in a more efficient, effective manner. There are many ways to use the Bender Ball to get crunchless abs into your routine of exercise and fitness. Here are some new and maybe not so new ideas for Bender Ball exercise fun. How about trying the famous bicycle exercise with your Bender Ball.?

Just lay back using the Bender Ball to support your loser back. Then put your hands behind your head gently, do not pull or strain your neck in any way. Then bring your knees up to as close to a 45 degree angle as you can manage, and slowly rotate your legs as if you were riding a bicycle in a slow and smooth pedaling motion. Try to touch you right knee to your left elbow and your left knee to your right elbow. Remember to breathe slowly and evenly throughout.

This exercise is one of the best ways to give a great workout the rectus abdominus muscle, the main abdominal wall muscle which stretches from the pubic bone to the ribs.

Friday, 16 July 2010

Bender Ball Exercise a Brand New Start

The fun of summer reminds us that the years go by really fast, and that sometimes we need some new ideas to motivate us to be better and work harder to get to our goals. Incorporating Bender Ball into an exercise routine is a fantastic way to get to the level of health we want. It is also good to remind ourselves that if its good health that we want, Bender Ball is just a first step in a well-rounded program of healthy eating and fitness. It’s great to focus on that abs, but in order to have a healthy body to match; we must eat well and exercise the rest of our bodies, too.

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Eating Out No Danger with Bender Ball Protection

One of the greatest challenges to keeping in shape is eating properly. Summer presents an especially difficult challenge for me, because when I’m traveling, and when the kids are around more than usual, it is so tempting to go out to a restaurant for meals. I love eating out, and my kids are always on good behavior at restaurants, which is more than I can say about eating at home. So it becomes a real treat to go out with the family for a meal. But once at the restaurant I have a psychological need to get something new, or special, or different. After all, I went to all the trouble of coming to a restaurant, why should I order something that I can make just as well or even better at home. Or something that I eat all the time, like a salad. So what happens? I order something interesting and special, which also means fattening. I know I shouldn’t, but I do anyway.

But since I discovered Bender Ball, this has become almost a non-issue. My exercise plan with Bender Ball helps me to melt it off, to burn off any extra calories I may have consumed eating that yummy cordon bleu with buttered mashed potatoes on the side, or even worse, French Fries. I just add one five minute session of Bender Ball use, and I don’t have to worry about adding any pounds to my physique. So enjoy your meals at restaurants this summer. As long as you have your Bender Ball, you have nothing to fear.

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Summer Vacation with Bender Ball

Have you begun planning your summer vacation yet? Not too long ago I used to dread the summer. Summer always meant to me feeling uncomfortable in a bathing suit, always wondering if people were looking at my enlarged tummy, or wobbly thighs. But that was then, and this is now. Since I discovered my Bender Ball and the easy way I have been able to melt it off, I enjoy my summers just like everyone else. We are thinking about renting out a little beach house, and just spending the lazy, hot days of summer relaxing on the beach, playing some tennis or volleyball, and not doing much of anything else. But one thing I will continue with are my crunch-less abs using my Bender Ball. Since the Bender Ball is so easy to transport, and working out with it hardly takes up any of my time, I will not forgo my five minutes of Bender Ball workouts. After all, Bender Ball and crunch-less abs are the reason I can go away to a Beach resort in the first place.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Keeping a Positive Attitude

I don't know about you, but I find going to the beach quite depressing. It's not easy to stay focused on yourself and your own personal goals when you look around and see so many people who look amazing. I know, for myself, that I look great and that I've been doing my crunchless abs with my Bender Ball and really working on my fitness and my physique.

But, somehow that doesn't always translate to feeling great at the beach. So, the way I see it, I have a few options. I can decide to ban the beach and the pool altogether and have a miserable summer. Not a great option. I can keep to my exercise schedule, continue using my Bender Ball and trying to melt it off, and simply remind myself at the beach about how far I've come; or I can go to the beach and sulk the whole time because I don't look as great as others do.

I vote for the middle choice. And so, I continue venturing out, even if my body isn't as gorgeous, buff or fit as some. I deserve to have just as much fun as other people, and I'm going to give myself that enjoyment! And, I know that my crunchless abs are making a difference and that, if I keep doing them and keep to my routine, I'll see even better results soon enough!

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Bender Ball and Slimming Down

The Bender Ball is a great way of slimming down, and it’s easy too since with around just 5 minutes a day, you can begin to see results relatively quickly. But some people are nonetheless frustrated that they are working really hard on their workouts and diets but nothing is happening. In a case like this, it is worth looking into the possible reasons why you are not losing weight. In this blog with a slideshow, seven reasons are suggested:

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

More on T.V. Viewing and Bender Ball

As I mentioned in my last post, I'm a T.V. junkie. I love to watch a good hour or two of T.V. at night to unwind and enjoy time with my wife. I know that this isn't the best use of my time, per se, but it does allow me to relax and to enjoy a bit of an escape. As I mentioned before, however, I've started to use my T.V. time in more creative ways and I'm finding that I am a really good multi-tasker.

Bender Ball Viewing

Since I use the Bender Ball, and it's incredibly compact and non-disruptive, I'm able to get 20-30 minutes of crunchless abs in over the course of the evening. And, doing this while being entertained means that I'm enjoying that time even more - and staying motivated to exercise.

Creativity with Bender Ball

Certainly, this doesn't mean that I am advocating nonstop T.V. viewing - but I am advocating finding creative ways to use your time wisely - and to make sure to get that Bender Ball time in during your day!

Sunday, 30 May 2010

T.V. Junkie

I'll admit it. I'm a T.V. junkie. I love to watch a number of television shows, and I don't like to let anything get in my way. I justify it by saying that I work hard all day and that I need the time to unwind at night. While this might be true, I know that it's simply an excuse to be a lazy man.

So, I've decided that, if I'm going to watch t.v., I might was well make use of the time when I do so. I've made an agreement with myself that I'm allowed to watch an hour or two of t.v. at night as long as:

1. I do some crunchless abs with my Bender Ball while I'm watching. If I arrange that I do 10 minutes of crunchless abs at the beginning of each show, and 10 minutes at the end of each show, that's really quite a lot of Bender Ball use!

2. No snacking. The major danger of watching television is snacking. I eat a good dinner at night, and then I've committed to myself that I won't snack while watching t.v.

3. Early to bed. Finally, I have to get into bed at a good hour. Just because I want to watch one more episode, it's not an excuse to be tired the next day.

These three rules have helped me to enjoy my t.v. viewing, while at the same time finding ways to melt it off! Creativity at its best.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Melt It Off Fast with the Bender Ball

Truth be told, I guess I could be accused of being a little impatient. When I work for something, I want to see results and I want to see them fast. That is why I love the Bender Ball so much. I don’t have time at the end of a long day at the office to start exercising and building up a sweat for hours. I want to be able to melt it off pretty much straight away. Well, thanks to the Bender Ball, that is exactly what I am able to do. Without any uncomfortable exercise moves, the Bender Ball has been allowing me to do crunchless abs that give me all the gain without any of the pain. That’s exactly what works for someone like me, and what has been giving me the great results I’ve been seeking since as long as I can remember.

Do Easy Crunchless Abs with the Bender Ball

So if you are looking for the easy way out (and, let’s face it, these days who isn’t?) I would suggest you try to melt it off with the Bender Ball. You only need around 5 minutes a day as well (which for a busy executive like me, also really works). That is good because so many people find that they are trying to melt it off with exhausting and gruesome workouts that take away all their precious leisure or family time. This will no longer be a problem when you start using the Bender Ball.

Monday, 10 May 2010

Summer Incentive

It's always good to have an incentive in front of you, and I've made my most recent incentive my summer trip. We are hoping to go to Hawaii this summer for a great vacation. So, I've put a great picture on the refrigerator of the sunset in Hawaii to inspire me. That way, every time that I go to the refrigerator, I remember that I'm trying to eat well to look great for Hawaii.

I also have a picture on the front door so that I keep myself inspired for exercise. When I sit in my living room doing my crunchless abs with my Bender Ball, I can look at the picture and keep my focus on the prize. It also helps to push me out the door so I'm more willing to go walking or running with this goal in mind.

Certainly, exercise is important every day - and not just for some trip or goal that we have. But, if you can think of something inspirational to keep you moving, all the better!

Friday, 30 April 2010

Exercising Through Sickness

Being sick is no fun. That's for sure. I don't know about you, but when I'm sick, I really don't feel like exercising. What I've found recently, however, is that the exercise that I don't want to do is cardiovascular. I don't feel like going walking, riding the bike, or any of the other activities that I normally do.

What I am willing to do, however, when I'm sick is crunchless abs with my Bender Ball! I've found this to be a great compromise when I'm sick. While I don't get my whole exercise routine in, I'm still able to do something and to keep up a bit of my routine. This enables me to continue with at least part of my routine when I'm not feeling well, which makes it easier to get back into my regular routine when I finally feel better!

Consider this when you are sick - rather than giving up all of your exercise to nurse your cold, perhaps you are still willing to maintain some of your routine and to feel like you're accomplishing at least a bit of your goals.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Spring Has Sprung

Easter always signals the beginning of Spring, and I love when it arrives. The big sign of Spring for me is when I take down the summer clothes and start to put the winter clothes away. What a fun experience!

This year is even more fun than others, because I'm finding that many of my summer clothes don't fit me! Between the crunchless abs work that I've been doing with my Bender Ball, the walking and the weight lifting, I've really lost some weight this year and changed my shape.

Of course, I've noticed this weight loss, but I don't think I realized just how significant it was until I took out last year's clothes. What a great surprise and a great way to start the summer season off right!

Friday, 9 April 2010

Easter Traditions Help to Stay in Shape

Last month we had St. Patrick’s Day to worry about, and now we have Easter. I hope your Easter was as enjoyable and meaningful as mine. Once again however, it is hard to avoid eating too much. When family and friends gather together, it is impossible not to inundate your loved ones with food, especially the really delicious fattening kind.

My family is really great this way. Almost all of us are being careful with what we eat these days. All my family knows how much I am getting out of my Bender Ball, and a few of my cousins have even started regular exercise with their own Bender Balls. So whoever is hosting is careful to make a few of our favorite, traditional foods, and is careful to keep the amount of high-calorie, unnecessary snacks, desserts and side dishes to a minimum.

And after dinner we usually go for a long walk, all of us together, which is a family tradition that I really love.

I hope you had a great, low calorie, meaningful and joyous Easter.

Monday, 29 March 2010

Bender Ball is My Favorite for Exercising

My favorite workout device is my Bender Ball. It is so portable; I can bring it with me to work, on vacation, or to my friend’s house when I go over for some coffee and to chat. It’s also so easy to use. I don’t need a separate room for it, or a basement. And working out with Bender Ball is a pleasure. I feel like I am preserving the health of my back while at the same time giving my abdominals an efficient and strenuous work out. Discovering Bender Ball was one of the luckiest things that has happened to me. Bender Ball has made the difference for me as far as exercising and staying fit and healthy is concerned. And those are things that are extremely important to me. If you have never done a workout with a Bender Ball, you should find someone to show you just what a time-saving, convenient and result achieving device it really is.

Friday, 19 March 2010

A Few Beers Don't Worry Me Anymore

Did you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? Well, even though I am not Irish, I love St. Patrick’s Day, but just like any other celebration, it is easy to over eat. We watched the parade, of course, and then we went out for a few beers, (I know, calories, calories.) We also had a big lunch, and sat around talking and having a generally fun afternoon.
During our horsing around after a few (too many) beers some of the guys were telling me about their struggle with their weight. All my buddies used to be athletic in some way. Jack was a star basketball player in High School. Rick was a football jock. Larry played tennis. They all agreed that now with their high-pressure jobs, families, mortgages, car payments, etc… There is just no time left to play the sports that they love so much. But even worse, since they don’t even exercise a little, except for occasionally running a few miles, maybe once in a week, if there is time, they really never exercise.

Well, I told them all about my Bender Ball, and that definitely go their attention. When I told them that I take mine to work, vacations, and workout with it just about every day, they were spellbound. And they all told me that they could see, just by looking at me, that this Bender Ball method really worked.

I added that I didn’t even worry about the few extra beers I had, because I know that when I get home I will work out with my Bender Ball for a few minutes, and the effects of the beers will be nullified.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Friday, 5 March 2010

Reward Yourself with Rewarding Exercise

Last time I began a list of tips and information which will help you begin and stay on a rewarding exercise program. Here is the rest of the list.

6. Begin thinking “healthy.” What small habits can you add or change which will make each and every day a bit healthier? For example: think about parking farther away so that you can walk further to your destination; use the stairs, not the elevator or escalator; drink more water; eat less fast food or salty and sweet snacks.

7. Give yourself a prize when you achieve your goals. How does a message sound? Or some new clothes?

8. Stay goal oriented, and keep the goals short-term. Long-term goals are great, but it is hard to stay focused on them. Set daily or weekly goals, and when you meet them, reward yourself. Be sure the reward is not counterproductive!

9. Be prepared! Set out your gym bag, workout clothes, shoes and whatever else you need, like your Bender Ball, ahead of time, so when you get back from work you are all set to go!
10. Don’t allow yourself to get too hungry. Eat smaller meals more often, it is healthier and keeps you from over indulging out of extreme hunger when you do finally eat.

Exercise is a fantastic way to stay healthy and feel great. Simple exercise apparatuses can help you focus on certain goals more efficiently, like strengthening your abdominal muscles with use of the Bender Ball, which I have found quite helpful.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Tips For Great Exercise Results with Bender Ball

Since I have gotten involved in a regular exercise routine, including using my Bender Ball at least once day, and sometimes even more, I have become interested in becoming more familiar with the different types of exercise and how each effects different parts of your body to achieve different goals. In my next two posts I want to discuss in a bit of a more serious way than I usually post some important information about exercise that everyone that is thinking about starting a work-out schedule ought to know.

Let’s start with the five first things you should be aware of:

1. Step one is to get a complete physical from you doctor so that you know you are in the right shape to start an exercise program, and what your limits and goals should be. It is also good advice to contact a personal trainer who can advise you about your level of fitness is, how much body fat you have, your measurements, and what is the best way for you to begin.

2. Begin slowly. It is a mistake to plunge into exercise if you haven’t done any in a while. Most experts say that about 20 to 30 minutes of walking each day, or even three times per week, is a good way to begin. You can add a few minutes each time you work out and progress to everyday if you have the time. The important thing is to start.

3. Keep a journal of your work-outs. This will help you visualize your progress and give you confidence. Write down what you did, how you felt, and in what ways you have improved since your last workout.

4. Make an appointment with yourself to exercise, just like you would make an appointment with a doctor. Schedule it in and keep the appointment!

5. Get a friend, or spouse, to work out with you. There’s nothing like company on the exercise journey.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Renewing Your Exercise Committment

Mid February is a hard time to stay motivated. The winter has lasted for quite awhile - but it's not yet over. You start to feel punchy and a bit fed up with your exercise routine. Here are a few ways to stay on top of your exercise and to feel rejuvenated about it.

1. Step it up for one month - Commit to adding to your exercise for the next month. Try to commit to exercising every day for the next month and see if you can stick to it. This might breathe some energy into your routine.
2. Add to your routine - If you're bored with your exercise, add something in to spice things up. Use a Bender Ball this month rather than doing plain sit ups. Go swimming rather than running on the treadmill. Find some way to spice up your routine and to add something interesting and new to it.
3. Get a partner - Sometimes, going to the gym with someone else, or playing racket ball with a friend can spice up your exercise routine and add some energy to it. See if you can find someone who wants to get fit with you, and you can enjoy each other's company!

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

More Valentine's Day Ideas

Ok - so if you didn't like the last set of Valentine's Day ideas, I'm offering more for the needy man. Here are some more ideas that she'll love and that will put you in her good graces for a bit.

1. A Spa Day - So this idea costs a bit, but it might be worth it. Give her anything from a coupon for one massage, to a coupon for a whole day at the spa. She'll come back relaxed and thanking you!
2. A Quick Get-Away - This is particularly valuable if you have kids. Find a babysitter and plan a quick get-away without telling her. She'll love the surprise and the two of you will enjoy your time away together.
3. Game Night - If she enjoys playing games, you can purchase a new, fun game for the two of you to enjoy. You can even secretly invite over a few friends and have a game night together.
4. Gym Membership - If you think she'd enjoy getting this gift and it won't offend her, buy her a one year gym membership. She'll be thinking of you as she gets healthier! If this is too much, you can buy a basket and fill it with gym supplies such as a workout outfit, a Bender Ball, a bottle of water and some ankle weights.

Hope these ideas help. It's almost Valentine's Day, so get shopping if you are still empty handed!

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Valentine's Day Gifts

From one guy to another, I'm reminding you that Valentine's Day is coming up! Don't forget about this holiday - or you'll be in hot water with your gal for quite awhile. Here are some easy and inexpensive ways to say "I Love You" and to stay in your lady's good graces.

1. Flowers - This is always a winner. It doesn't have to cost too much, but it reminds her that you are thinking of her.
2. Exercise Equipment - Now, if your girl is sensitive about her weight, don't give her this gift! If, however, she enjoys exercising and it will be thoughtful, you could buy her some ankle weights, a Bender Ball, a jump rope and such.
3. Tickets to a Movie or Play - Get out and enjoy some entertainment together. This gift offers you some fun as well!

These are a few of the many ways that you can say that you are thinking of her. Just remember to say something!

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Snowy Exercise Routine

It's not always to come up with an exercise routine in the snow. Sure, if you have a gym membership, you don't have to think about the weather. I, however, like to exercise by walking outside, and when the weather turns really cold and snowy, I lose my "gym." So, here is what I do in the winter to stay in shape.

1. Exercise Videos - I have a number of videos that I use when I can't walk outside. These include kick boxing, Pilates and weight training.
2. Bender Ball - Fortunately, I've always got my Bender Ball. I use it for at least 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening as part of my exercise routine.
3. Leg Lifts - I try to do leg lifts each evening on each leg. I put on some fun music and do leg exercises. You can find ideas on the web and just follow the simple instructions that they give.

What I DON'T do in the winter is decide to give up on my exercise routine! It is very important to keep moving, even when the weather makes me want to get into bed. And I try hard to stick to this idea when I can't walk outside.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Back Pain Be Gone

I've always had slight back troubles. I'm one of those people who has to be careful when he picks up packages from the floor, and who has to opt-out of helping to move that heavy refrigerator. So, I was recently shocked when I realized how strong my back feels these days.

I was at work recently and someone asked me to help him move a table. Jumping to the task before thinking, I realized in the middle of the task that I probably shouldn't be there. But, how was I going to get out of finishing the job? Obviously, I wasn't. And when we had finished moving the table and I straightened back up, I realized how good I felt. Usually, if I do engage in activities of this sort, my back will be sore and I'll know that I overdid it.

I attribute my added strength to my new stomach muscles. The bender ball materials and my own research explained that I should feel stronger and more fit with better stomach muscles. And I'm living proof that it really is true and that even 10 minutes a day can really make a difference! Amazing!

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

A New Year with Bender Ball

I can't remember the last time that I wrote up a New Year's resolution that didn't include losing weight and getting in better shape. Is it actually possible to write a list that doesn't include these necessities? I'm actually here to report that it is possible!

Before the near year, I always like to sit down and take stock of the past year - and look to the future. And I write up a list of about 10 things that I'd like to achieve during the year. Sometimes they are financial, sometimes they are about travel or job changes or family. And there is always something about getting in shape. When I finished my list this year - I simply couldn't believe it. Since I've been working really hard to get in shape with my gym membership and my bender ball, I simply didn't put that on the list.

Now, I didn't consciously say that I wasn't going to put it on my New Year's list. It just simply didn't appear when I took stock of my life. What a liberating feeling!