Being sick is no fun. That's for sure. I don't know about you, but when I'm sick, I really don't feel like exercising. What I've found recently, however, is that the exercise that I don't want to do is cardiovascular. I don't feel like going walking, riding the bike, or any of the other activities that I normally do.
What I am willing to do, however, when I'm sick is crunchless abs with my Bender Ball! I've found this to be a great compromise when I'm sick. While I don't get my whole exercise routine in, I'm still able to do something and to keep up a bit of my routine. This enables me to continue with at least part of my routine when I'm not feeling well, which makes it easier to get back into my regular routine when I finally feel better!
Consider this when you are sick - rather than giving up all of your exercise to nurse your cold, perhaps you are still willing to maintain some of your routine and to feel like you're accomplishing at least a bit of your goals.