Did you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? Well, even though I am not Irish, I love St. Patrick’s Day, but just like any other celebration, it is easy to over eat. We watched the parade, of course, and then we went out for a few beers, (I know, calories, calories.) We also had a big lunch, and sat around talking and having a generally fun afternoon.
During our horsing around after a few (too many) beers some of the guys were telling me about their struggle with their weight. All my buddies used to be athletic in some way. Jack was a star basketball player in High School. Rick was a football jock. Larry played tennis. They all agreed that now with their high-pressure jobs, families, mortgages, car payments, etc… There is just no time left to play the sports that they love so much. But even worse, since they don’t even exercise a little, except for occasionally running a few miles, maybe once in a week, if there is time, they really never exercise.
Well, I told them all about my Bender Ball, and that definitely go their attention. When I told them that I take mine to work, vacations, and workout with it just about every day, they were spellbound. And they all told me that they could see, just by looking at me, that this Bender Ball method really worked.
I added that I didn’t even worry about the few extra beers I had, because I know that when I get home I will work out with my Bender Ball for a few minutes, and the effects of the beers will be nullified.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!