Thursday 18 February 2010

Renewing Your Exercise Committment

Mid February is a hard time to stay motivated. The winter has lasted for quite awhile - but it's not yet over. You start to feel punchy and a bit fed up with your exercise routine. Here are a few ways to stay on top of your exercise and to feel rejuvenated about it.

1. Step it up for one month - Commit to adding to your exercise for the next month. Try to commit to exercising every day for the next month and see if you can stick to it. This might breathe some energy into your routine.
2. Add to your routine - If you're bored with your exercise, add something in to spice things up. Use a Bender Ball this month rather than doing plain sit ups. Go swimming rather than running on the treadmill. Find some way to spice up your routine and to add something interesting and new to it.
3. Get a partner - Sometimes, going to the gym with someone else, or playing racket ball with a friend can spice up your exercise routine and add some energy to it. See if you can find someone who wants to get fit with you, and you can enjoy each other's company!