Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Leslee Bender shows me how...

Leslee Bender is the developer of the Bender Ball Method, and since receiving all the stuff I ordered, I am actually starting to learn how to do the exercises such that I know what to do myself.

Leslee helps me through all the steps, and the Bender Ball exercises help me out to get my abdominal core happening without crunches. Great stuff so far, and without the drinks I was previously drinking it seems to be working. Losing weight and inches...

Monday, 15 December 2008

The Bender Ball arrived!

My exercise routine is about to take off! I have been drinking water like crazy, and that means that I am consuming less calories. (I am taking a bit of strain with this water thing, I would enjoy some flavors now and again, and water the whole day isn't the best, but more about that another time. See my previous post about that.)

I ordered the Bender Ball from Savvier, and it arrived a day or two ago. The good news is that it offers a full program for fitness and weight loss. That's a good thing. It comes with literature and DVDs to teach you all you need to know. I am starting it (already done some exercises) and we will see what happens.

Sunday, 7 December 2008

I am drinking calories by the hundred!

I did it! I found one of the problems with my diet!
I was drinking a juice that I mix with water, thinking all was good with it. But it wasn't! It was full of calories, and I might as well have been eating chocolates or chocolate yoghurts that are fattening!

So that is it! I am either finding a different drink, or going to water... what a pain! But to lose weight it is worth it...

As for my exercise routine, I have ordered the Bender Ball... more about that in my next post.

Friday, 28 November 2008

Attempting to lose weight...

I have been trying to lose weight for ages. I am dieting and exercising, but it is taking a long time, longer than expected. I don't know what the issue is - so I asked the person who knows everything, my wife!

She told me two things:
1. To look at everything that I am eating and make sure that I am not unknowingly eating things that are full of calories, and,
2. To look at new exercise techniques.

So - that is my plan. I will report back after I do these two things.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Report back

My crunchless abs are happening. Can't see them, but the pain at the beginning meant that they were working, and now I can feel them. I am closely watching my progress, which is made really easy by Leslee Bender and the Bender Ball Method tapes etc.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Crunches are killers

I have been telling everyone all about the Bender Ball, and since my last post I have had quite a few of my buddies reading my blog and asking to try the Bender Ball. There are three things you must know:

1. I hate crunches. They kill my back, and make my whole exercise routine impossible to bear. I would rather not do crunches and just leave my abs as they are.
2. The Bender Ball (Leslee Bender designed it) supports your back so that you do not have any of the back issues associated with crunches. What's even better is that the crunches you do with the ball are far more effective.
3. The Bender Ball Method is a whole system of exercising that gives you the info to work out properly - so you gain better crunches and also a whole fitness program.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

The ball makes it happen

My exercise routine has entirely changed since I bought the Bender Ball and integrated it into my workouts. My crunches always killed me, and I never ever felt that I was doing anything for my abs, but the Bender Ball has changed all that. A small green ball makes all the difference, and it has really been a worthwhile (tiny!) investment.

Friday, 17 October 2008

Work on those abs!

Working on stomach muscles is not the easiest thing in the world – especially if you have to do crunches. The idea is to try and find the exercise that works you from the abdominal core, but is crunchless.

Is there a way to move to crunchless abs? Are we destined to the difficulties of crunches – a sore back, difficult exercises that no-one enjoys, or is there a crunchless way?

Crunchless abs are not impossible, and in fact there is even a way to exercise your stomach and abs by getting more leverage – use the Bender Ball. The bender ball is placed in the small of your back and focuses the exercises on where you need it to. No need to bend over backwards when using the bender ball in your quest for crunchless abs.

It would seem that this is the way to go, as Leslee Bender, the innovator and designer of the Bender Ball, is a world-renowned fitness, Pilates and training expert. Bender's ball and method have passed a lot of scientific test, so I think I am going to be investing in the Bender Ball, and I will make sure to update the blogs on my progress.

Thursday, 2 October 2008

I am trying...

I am trying to get my abs happening, and I just wish that I could sculpt them as easily as I am able to develop my biceps, for example. I have tried tons of stomach exercises, and aside from no enjoying them at all, they don't seem to work. It is really slow going. So, I have neglected my stomach exercises, and just hope that by losing weight in general I will be able to lose the excess weight around my tummy.

I recently read about the Bender Ball idea, something developed by a fitness expert, Leslee Bender. It doesn't save you from the basic idea of stomach exercises, but it makes them bearable for someone who hates crunches. The good news about the Bender Ball Core exercise method is that it gives you a better work out than traditional crunches. It is simply a ball, the bender method being a cheap and easy way to get training.

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Bender Ball: Achieve Your Goals

Everyone has the same basic goals when it comes to health. The key is to live a healthy life, which makes sense, of course. So, what does that mean? It means correct nutrition combined with a regular exercise program. The correct attitude is all that it takes to make a change of one's lifestyle that will offer greater health benefits and immediately increased quality of life.

Eating correctly is essential, but what makes the big difference between "dieting" and living a healthy lifestyle is an exercise plan. Not only does exercise speed up your metabolism, but it improves you overall health and well being. Choosing the correct exercises is most important, for a number of reasons. Firstly, you want to make sure that the exercise does what it is supposed to do, secondly, you want to make sure that it is not doing anything detrimental, and finally, you want to be able to enjoy the exercise.

The most difficult area to work on is one's stomach, and this is where the Bender Ball comes in. Crunches can hurt you, and are not that enjoyable either, yet the small and flexible Bender Ball changes all that. Not only does it offer your back support while you do those crunches, but it even goes further and works your abs better than regular crunches. The Bender Method, pioneered by Leslee Bender makes your exercise routine safer, more enjoyable, and the most effective it can be. Amazingly, all it takes is your own body and the Bender Ball, easy as that!