Friday 17 October 2008

Work on those abs!

Working on stomach muscles is not the easiest thing in the world – especially if you have to do crunches. The idea is to try and find the exercise that works you from the abdominal core, but is crunchless.

Is there a way to move to crunchless abs? Are we destined to the difficulties of crunches – a sore back, difficult exercises that no-one enjoys, or is there a crunchless way?

Crunchless abs are not impossible, and in fact there is even a way to exercise your stomach and abs by getting more leverage – use the Bender Ball. The bender ball is placed in the small of your back and focuses the exercises on where you need it to. No need to bend over backwards when using the bender ball in your quest for crunchless abs.

It would seem that this is the way to go, as Leslee Bender, the innovator and designer of the Bender Ball, is a world-renowned fitness, Pilates and training expert. Bender's ball and method have passed a lot of scientific test, so I think I am going to be investing in the Bender Ball, and I will make sure to update the blogs on my progress.

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