I don't know about you, but I find going to the beach quite depressing. It's not easy to stay focused on yourself and your own personal goals when you look around and see so many people who look amazing. I know, for myself, that I look great and that I've been doing my crunchless abs with my Bender Ball and really working on my fitness and my physique.
But, somehow that doesn't always translate to feeling great at the beach. So, the way I see it, I have a few options. I can decide to ban the beach and the pool altogether and have a miserable summer. Not a great option. I can keep to my exercise schedule, continue using my Bender Ball and trying to melt it off, and simply remind myself at the beach about how far I've come; or I can go to the beach and sulk the whole time because I don't look as great as others do.
I vote for the middle choice. And so, I continue venturing out, even if my body isn't as gorgeous, buff or fit as some. I deserve to have just as much fun as other people, and I'm going to give myself that enjoyment! And, I know that my crunchless abs are making a difference and that, if I keep doing them and keep to my routine, I'll see even better results soon enough!