Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Leslee Bender shows me how...

Leslee Bender is the developer of the Bender Ball Method, and since receiving all the stuff I ordered, I am actually starting to learn how to do the exercises such that I know what to do myself.

Leslee helps me through all the steps, and the Bender Ball exercises help me out to get my abdominal core happening without crunches. Great stuff so far, and without the drinks I was previously drinking it seems to be working. Losing weight and inches...

Monday, 15 December 2008

The Bender Ball arrived!

My exercise routine is about to take off! I have been drinking water like crazy, and that means that I am consuming less calories. (I am taking a bit of strain with this water thing, I would enjoy some flavors now and again, and water the whole day isn't the best, but more about that another time. See my previous post about that.)

I ordered the Bender Ball from Savvier, and it arrived a day or two ago. The good news is that it offers a full program for fitness and weight loss. That's a good thing. It comes with literature and DVDs to teach you all you need to know. I am starting it (already done some exercises) and we will see what happens.

Sunday, 7 December 2008

I am drinking calories by the hundred!

I did it! I found one of the problems with my diet!
I was drinking a juice that I mix with water, thinking all was good with it. But it wasn't! It was full of calories, and I might as well have been eating chocolates or chocolate yoghurts that are fattening!

So that is it! I am either finding a different drink, or going to water... what a pain! But to lose weight it is worth it...

As for my exercise routine, I have ordered the Bender Ball... more about that in my next post.