Friday, 30 April 2010

Exercising Through Sickness

Being sick is no fun. That's for sure. I don't know about you, but when I'm sick, I really don't feel like exercising. What I've found recently, however, is that the exercise that I don't want to do is cardiovascular. I don't feel like going walking, riding the bike, or any of the other activities that I normally do.

What I am willing to do, however, when I'm sick is crunchless abs with my Bender Ball! I've found this to be a great compromise when I'm sick. While I don't get my whole exercise routine in, I'm still able to do something and to keep up a bit of my routine. This enables me to continue with at least part of my routine when I'm not feeling well, which makes it easier to get back into my regular routine when I finally feel better!

Consider this when you are sick - rather than giving up all of your exercise to nurse your cold, perhaps you are still willing to maintain some of your routine and to feel like you're accomplishing at least a bit of your goals.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Spring Has Sprung

Easter always signals the beginning of Spring, and I love when it arrives. The big sign of Spring for me is when I take down the summer clothes and start to put the winter clothes away. What a fun experience!

This year is even more fun than others, because I'm finding that many of my summer clothes don't fit me! Between the crunchless abs work that I've been doing with my Bender Ball, the walking and the weight lifting, I've really lost some weight this year and changed my shape.

Of course, I've noticed this weight loss, but I don't think I realized just how significant it was until I took out last year's clothes. What a great surprise and a great way to start the summer season off right!

Friday, 9 April 2010

Easter Traditions Help to Stay in Shape

Last month we had St. Patrick’s Day to worry about, and now we have Easter. I hope your Easter was as enjoyable and meaningful as mine. Once again however, it is hard to avoid eating too much. When family and friends gather together, it is impossible not to inundate your loved ones with food, especially the really delicious fattening kind.

My family is really great this way. Almost all of us are being careful with what we eat these days. All my family knows how much I am getting out of my Bender Ball, and a few of my cousins have even started regular exercise with their own Bender Balls. So whoever is hosting is careful to make a few of our favorite, traditional foods, and is careful to keep the amount of high-calorie, unnecessary snacks, desserts and side dishes to a minimum.

And after dinner we usually go for a long walk, all of us together, which is a family tradition that I really love.

I hope you had a great, low calorie, meaningful and joyous Easter.